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Uzbekistan national  championship in Savate Assaut took place in Tashkent on 22nd May 2021.

There were 325 participants from 8 regions. Representatives of Uzbekistan Tourism and Sport ministry and the Uzbekistan National Olympic committee were present, and local sponsors gave prizes to the winners.

Uzbekistan Savate Federation is very active and growing day by day. There are now more than 1000 athletes and coaches, who are keen to participate in training and events.

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Asian Savate Confederation(ASC) wishes the best in the new year for Savate family all over the world specially all its continental members.


FISav Vice-President Message

GLD 001


"I am pleased to see that the new website of the Asian Savate Federation has begun.

Under the leadership of President Mr HamidReza Hesaraki, I'm sure that the Asian Federation will be very active, organizing events for people who love Savate.

I hope to see many Asian countries represented at the 1st Asian Championships in 2010, and at the General Meeting of the Asian Federation which will take place at the same time."




Dear members, Dear friends,

Asian Savate(French boxing) confederation is established with the help and support of Mr.Gilles Lu DUIGOU, the president of international federation, based on truth, honesty and cooperation of all the Asian members. The main purpose of our activities is to develope friendship through Savate.

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